Qomaruddin .


The Constitutional Court has an authority in judging at first and final level
of the decision that shall be final and binding also obtain permanent legal
force since the end of spoken/read, but there are some decisions that can
not be directly implemented due to need follow-up with the formation of
new laws or law amendment, for example Constitutional Court decision
Number 5/PUU-IV/2007 that grant the petition of the Petitioner regarding
“individual candidates in the election of regional leader and regional leader
proxy”, can not be directly applied operationally, without following up with
the making of the Law Amendment of Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding
Regional Government. Legislation making in order to follow up the decision
of the Constitutional Court legally permissible, although the law in question
outside the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). In making legislation,
the Constitutional Court decision can be used by legislators as a reference
to determine the constitutionality of draft of law, against the Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.


constitutional court’s decision and legislation making

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